liki liki LED lighting design | show you have flair | Aliki Polydor

liki liki LED lighting design | show you have flair | Aliki Polydor
liki liki design | close to natural light

15 December 2008

"daffodil" Led table lamp design Aliki Polydor

Prematurely speaking, winter is dragging on and it is going to last for a while!
Can we brighten up our days with vibrating light and colour?

Bring out some of that colour temperature around 6500 degrees Kelvin and generate the authentic colours of a daffodil from the Far East. But then why not try our fresh «daffodil»™ that has just sprung out of liki liki's studio? It has grown out on a blue lapis lazuli methacrylate carpet positioned on a massive aluminum plate! Take a close look at it and place it on any table top to cheer up the festive season and your Christmas receptions.

Flexible stems in beautiful chromated-aluminum that allow the individual 100 lumen LED lights to move within a 30 degree optical range to accent any particular surrounding element. It is a somewhat sculpture-like object with its own personality and may stand for itself.

Try it. You will remember Wordsworth.

14 December 2008

"d-light" is a pure shape

Aesthetically “d-light”™ is pure shape. The product has minimal presence and leaves it to light itself to steal the show. The form is simple and austere, making for a sober appliance that does not monopolize attention, but provides light, atmosphere and comfort. It is to the same sober design based on right angles and lines that the “d-light” owes its universal and timeless character. We have resolutely chosen to enter into a dialogue with architecture.
The result? A thin, minimalist lamp that thrives where you put it.

A lot has been written about LEDs. If you have been exposed to white LEDs, you probably discover that they emit a lot of light of a pleasing color. We have worked to make the light spread smoothly and evenly with the appropriate optics.
Heat is the great enemy of LEDs. This is ironic, since light bulbs work by heating a filament to such a high temperature that it glows. We've taken great care to use high quality LEDs and to properly design a compact and beautiful lamp to ensure its long life by efficiently dispersing the generated heat.

There is a strong tendency in today's “creativity” to solely rely on “basic” emotional impact to capture the attention of the public, through strong solicitation to surprise and bewilder. We have instead ventured into serenity! How about that?

With “d-light”™ we have pointed both, towards abstraction and measure, towards balance and simplification of all iconic messages, presenting meditative silence as opposed to excessive noise.


11 December 2008

"at casa" con la "kissimu 3" 2007 lampada da tavolo LED design Aliki Polydor

Perché la lampada da tavolo «kissimu 3»™ si distingue?

Perché non ha che fare con la lampada tradizionale, prevedibile; siamo piuttosto nella “Haute Couture” come spesso detto, si tratta di una lampada che ha un anima sofisticata.
Un misto perfetto di eleganza e tecnologia concentrato nella sua struttura scultorea.

Non dimentichiamo che la luce del futuro presente nella sua eterea bellezza biancha nasconde un elettronica di ultima generazione nell' applicazione dei LED.

A “touch of class” alla Vivienne Westwood. Undoubtedly!

27 October 2008

liki liki LED lighting design | "biscot"™2007 | un illuminazione per deambulazione

Biscot’ultima creazione di Aliki Polydor dello studio della liki liki design che promuove l'illuminazione a LED. Questa lampada insiste sempre nell’uso della tecnologia di illuminazione LED, montata su un piccolo stelo flessibile incorniciato in una sorta di “corolla” di plexiglas blu lapis lazzuli.

In questa divertente installazione da applicare a parete, una serie di moduli verticali di “biscot” ci fa pensare ad una tastiera di pianoforte. Ognuna delle lampade che compongono la “collettività” di “biscot” è orientabile, e perciò ne risulta una diffusione della luce variata, variabile e pluridirezionale. Si tratta insomma di una “applique” di taglio orizzontale ma da applicare in verticale, cromaticamente sobria–tra il blu notte, l’alluminio smerigliato e il violetto–adatta ad esempio ad illuminare un corridoio, magari se ripetuta in serie dovrebbe creare, mercè i molteplici orientamenti possibili dei suoi “steli luminosi alla Van Gogh”, una illuminazione quanto mai particolare e originale.
Data la sua mole e la sua peculiare conformazione mi parrebbe adatta ad ambienti di rappresentanza, quali il corridoio di un albergo di charme o un luogo di passaggio. Ma potrebbe adattarsi anche ad un ambiente più raccolto quale una parete domestica, una camera da letto. La sua caratteristica di pluralità luminosa permetterebbe anche una diffusione non solo “consapevole” della luce, ma una sua continua “manipolazione”, creando un luogo di vita, di soggiorno o di lavoro luminosamente cangiante.


16 October 2008

liki liki design studio | "patanjali 1"©2007 | light and aromatherapy |

Pure olfactory emotion with a tinge of colour and real daylight at 6500K.
Ideal for light and aromatherapy at wellness centers and spas.
The "patanjali"1® 2007  click here for video - incorporates the latest diode technology in lighting with a sophisticated touch of class designed by "liki liki LED lighting design studio" and made in Italy.

Not only that, but "patanjali"®2007 gives the choice of the fragrance appropriate for the moment :

  • a nomadic mood then you choose a spicy scent from the best perfume makers in France.
  • a tonic mood then you chose an organic scent which puts you in a vivacious chenghis khan allure.
  • a peaceful mood then you chose a relaxing fragrance with touches of narcissus and cedar.

You can leave it on permanently because of its minimal power consumption and enjoy its presence in refined settings. Perfect for hospitality and "contract".

15 October 2008

liki liki design | "biscot"™| small is in

"small is beautiful" is in. Times are changing, turmoil is the next wave. 

Avant-garde or not, trend setters may not agree, but we are in times of selective and timeless investments. No more gaudy, overbearing glitter swarovsky-style! Luxury will not necessarily equate show-off and gratuitously baroque effects.

Check out on our "biscot" wall -lamp and see for yourself. Like caviar, it is small and rare, but so precious...

10 October 2008

liki liki LED luminaire | "biscot"| a wall applique for contract

What would you say if a little gem-like led lamp made us think of a french "petit four"? Something which would make us reminisce of a sweet bluberry fancy? You know that there is no such thing as tempting to the eyes and to the palate as an authentic french little pastry. Well, there you are!

The deliciously delicate and yet sturdy "biscot" has all the qualities of led-lit accent lighting and the visual dynamics of a little precious amethyst gem. You can use it in all contexts whether in a home, bedroom or study to emphasise artwork and small sculptures.  Ideal for "contract" and "hospitality".
In these times of eco-conscious upheavals, in the positive sense, "no bulbs to change for a period of 15 years" is a treat!

Orders are trickling in. So hurry up and get a glimpse of it.

21 September 2008

liki liki LED lighting design | luminaire presentation fall 2008

Nell'ambito dell'edizione 2008 di Abitare il Tempo abbiamo presentato i nostri ultimi prodotti.
Molte grazie a tutti voi, aficionados per la vostra partecipazione a questa piacevole serata insieme a "Betty Boop", presso nostro showroom il 18 settembre 2008 a Verona.

In conjunction with the 2008 edition of Abitare il Tempo we have presented our latest products to a selected public.
Many thanks to all of you aficionados that attended this pleasant evening together with "Betty Boop", at our showroom in Verona on 18 September 2008.

liki liki marketing team

04 September 2008

liki liki design 2006 | atcasa catalogue | il tempo della luce

Nessun cambio di lampadina e non solo con la "kissimu 3" o "napo" !

No e nel l'ordine della magia : e il miracolo del l'illuminazione a LED.

Non e il caso solo di queste due lampade da tavolo a LED, la "kissimu 3" e "napo", ma vale anche per tutte le lampade a LED : non richiedono nessun "cambiamento di lampadine". E la fine della sostituzione delle lampadine che bruciano. Non c'è più bisogno di quest’ impegno, quasi rituale, sia per lampadine alogene o a incandescenza, sia per quelli a basso consumo a base di CFL.

L'illuminazione a LED e un regalo al consumatore!

I LED che utilizziamo nelle nostre illuminazioni hanno una durata media di vita tra 80.000 e 100.000 ore, che corrispondono a 15 o 20 anni, secondo il tempo che rimangono accesi ogni giorno.

Lo potete immaginare?

Oltre tutto, questi LED di alta potenza hanno un alto rendimento luminoso per un consumo bassissimo: mentre consumano 7.5W, producono una luce bella e costante, sopratutto economica.

Il migliore che ci sia nel l'illuminazione eco-friendly.

E non e tutto: date un occhiata al nostro "triple-d-light" che troverete anche sul portale design AT Casa del Corriere della Sera.

liki liki LED lighting since 2006


30 August 2008

liki liki design | 2008 Abitare il Tempo della luce wellness

Oggi è necessario ad ogni momento riscoprire il mondo delle sensazioni : è necessario definire nuovi fonti di equilibrio per riuscire a vivere il presente con pienezza ed entusiasmo. Nell'ambito urbano abbiamo perso la capacità di sorridere guardando un fiore, di sognare osservando un tramonto. C'è troppo di tutto.
Questo caos urbano ha annullato la magia del pieno godimento di attimi vissuti solo ed esclusivamente per noi, per rilassare il nostro corpo e la nostra mente, per ascoltarci e ritrovarci.

C’è un bisogno fondamentale di ambiti spaziali esclusivi che possano infondere in ognuno tranquillità e armonia. Ambienti che riescano a riconciliare il nostro corpo con la nostra mente.

Parliamo di luoghi depositari di una parte della nostra vita sotto forma di esperienza visiva, olfattiva, tattile, uditiva. Luoghi dove, ad esempio, la luce congiungerebbe il senso visivo con l'olfatto, e infine ci porterebbe a desiderare di toccare, giocare, soddisfare il senso tattile, dando via al compimento di tanti godimenti semplici.

Questo non e un sogno? In fatti ci siamo già.

clicca qui per il video

Il "patanjali realizza questo sogno che diventa realtà con una luce pulita, nella sua capacità di attivare con tutti gli altri sensi e creare un’atmosfera contemplativa. Una luce magica e meditativa, che ci porta ad apprezzare profumi scelti da noi stessi, non imposti da altri e idonei per ogni occasione, come ad esempio:
  • Un’essenza di garofano per sentirsi trascinato in un' esperienza quasi nomadica, cavalcando con Gengis Khan;
  • Un’essenza di mimosa per portare con se' il vento di mare, ricordarsi del cielo della Riviera.
  • Un'essenza di narciso o di cedro per vivere un stato di puro relax.


06 August 2008

be LED... by expertise | since 2006

Summer fragrances are back to last for some time, at least until the beginning of the winter season.

Why not check out on the "patanjali" which offers you that possibility.
Even though we have already introduced our "patanjali" table/floor lamp within the context of the home and public spaces, we are getting more and more requests about its implementation in luxury wellness centers and spas.

The "patanjali" with its ergonomical design and avant-garde conception can remain switched on for 24 hours a day without overheating. The three containers for the essential oils warm up to the right temperature of 40 degrees ideal for the diffusion of the same or different perfumes! Not to mention its extremely minimal power consumption which is characteristic of high technology LED lighting. Imagine no risk of overheating, watching, forgetting...

Its magenta colour further emphasises its value as an equally aesthetic object of design. Enjoy its refinement! For the senses are all there! For any luxury spa!

Aliki Polydor

03 August 2008

En attendant Abitare il Tempo september 2008

Summer is here and the heat can get unbearable! Whether you are in your house or shop, better switch off your halogen lamps!

Halogens are OUT. Times are changing.

LEDsmiths are IN. With the magic touch of a clean light, get the “cool” back into your lighting.

be LED ... by expertise

be LED ... by precision

be LED ... by your senses

Trust our experience for any advice on this subject.

Have a nice summer. A time for raspberries and lampone. 



09 July 2008

corriere atcasa | & LED "kissimu 3" or "napo"| liki liki design

No more bulbs to change with "kissimu 3" or "napo"  designed by Aliki Polydor.

It is not magic : it is LED lighting.
Not only these two lamps but all our LED lighting does NOT require any "bulb changing". Can you believe it?

Do bear in mind that LED lighting does not impose the uneconomical chore which consists in regularly changing the burnt out light bulbs of your precious lamps!
Whether for halogen, incandescent or CFL bulbs, consumers have traditionally been conditioned into replacing them now and then over the years, but today, more so, this routine will progressively become obsolete.
LED-lighting is a gift to the consumer : no more of that hectic chore!

The high-power LEDs we use have 50.000-100.000 hours of lifespan, so your lamps will live for up to 15-20 years, depending on how long you have them switched on daily.
Can you imagine a better way of saving energy and the environment?

Furthermore, these high-power LEDs have a very low electrical consumption: while consuming merely 7.5W, they provide a safe and affordable "ambiance" light.
The ultimate in eco-friendly lighting.

And we are not finished : check out on the "triple d-light" also on catalogue.

03 July 2008

liki liki design : anniversary in Casamica

Abitare il tempo, abitare verona.

Yes, liki liki design is turning one year old here in verona!

During this past year we have brought to life
Come and discover our full range of eco-friendly and aesthetic LED lighting lamps by visiting our web site or complete the contact form for more information.

What is the secret behind this new generation of general lighting? All these lamps incorporate the most advanced LED technology, and are designed for sustainability, minimal light pollution and high energy efficiency.

And we are well decided to carry on!

Well off est en fête.

Buon proseguimento!


02 July 2008

liki liki LED lighting design | daylight and its pairing with" triple d-light"

We can show you distinctly the difference since 2006.

We only work with LED lighting and are ready to reveal its intricacies!

Guess which one is the true colour of these armchairs and vote below.

22 June 2008

liki liki lighting design | "triple d-light": a concentrated lighting pleasure

The "triple d-light" means exactly what its name implies: concentrated lighting pleasure.

For an added touch of elegance, use “triple d-light” for "accent lighting" and you soon realize how much the special features in a room, such as artwork, architectural details and furnishings have gained in significance. This type of light is commonly seen in art galleries and museums to give a life like quality to the display. The “triple d-light” lamp’s unique structure helps you position the light beams freely in space, creating a bright shaft of light that sets the encountered objects apart from their surroundings and brings out their “clandestine” colours for all to enjoy. The beam precision and the unidirectional nature of the generated white light are perfectly adapted at creating special moods and ambiences around your most valued objects.

Retailers can also use "triple d-light" lighting in display windows to illuminate merchandise, attract attention, and even send a message about the quality of their store. For the prospective customer, it creates visual interest and makes the merchandise stand out from the background.

As with all our production we have taken the eco-friendly and inclusive approach needed for today’s light sources. Incorporating the most advanced LED technology available “triple d-light” is designed for sustainability, minimal light pollution and high energy efficiency, effectively setting new standards. Its high-power LEDs have a very low electrical consumption, consuming merely 7.5W, providing a safe and affordable light over an operational lifespan of 50,000 hours, which correspond to 15-20 years when used daily.

The “triple d-light” visual appeal and aesthetic elegance derive from its contrasting straight lines. The soft finishes of the metal components, the deep orange transparency and the satinated surfaces all contribute to a balanced mix of value, performance and style.

The positive energy released by this beautiful luminaire combines precise detail enhancing performance with soft emotional results. The lamp's modern and rigorous structure, the warm hallo and the precise light beams find their natural place in any modern or trendy space, where it enriches the “charme”, creates “drama” and softens the atmosphere. It is nevertheless meant for "accent lighting".

08 June 2008

liki liki |"kissimu 3"™table lamp

"kissimu 3"
Solid state Lighting LED technology combined with pure structure, together with a tinge of fantasy, still positions "kissimu 3" in the avant-garde of high power LED designer lamps. In fact its conception and design dates back to 2007 when incorporating high-power LED solutions within a designer lamp was barely in its early infancy.
kissimu 3" is a functional and eco-sustainable luminaire. Its photometrics define it as such; it provides around 700 lumen and has been studied to offer “natural daylight” at 6500 degree Kelvin with the adequate intensity for “ambiance” lighting.
“kissimu 3” and its power LEDs have a estimated lifetime  of 70.000 hours and as any quality Solid-State Lighting does not require maintenance.

"kissimu 3" has a soft touch on/off electronic device at its base which allows only one, or both parts of the luminaire to be switched on.

 The "kissimu 3" table lamp goes beyond the pre-conceived idea of a table lamp. Its fluid design gives a sense of “taking off” and a feeling of lightness. It is true ambiance lighting abiding by a sustainable feng shui.
"...I would like someone to design some truly innovative lights, because I believe that designing beautiful, functional and, above all, new lighting is the hardest thing to do."
This is what Vivienne Westwood, the "grande dame"de la haute couture, once said  after a recent exhibition in Milan.Surely the "kissimu 3"table lamp would  meet this great fashion icon's whims. Innovative LED technology, pure structure and a dash of extravaganza, "kissimu 3" is avant-garde without transgression. "kissimu 3" goes beyond the intrinsic "stability" associated with table lamps. The lamp's fluid and ironic design evokes more a "taking off".

Exclusive but not elitist, "kissimu 3" is one of liki liki's limited edition LED luminaires.

31 May 2008

liki liki LED lighting | ikra is for caviar

There is nothing like soft lighting to make a room precious and inviting for those late social events or for an intimate evening. And the most versatile, simple, and exquisite looking solution to achieve this beauty is "ikra" table lamp .

From our multifaceted approach to the lighting of space, we have experienced lighting as the single greatest determinant of how a space feels. The "ikra" is as precious as caviar! Its delicate tints will enlighten your bedside or reception tables and its soft romantic glow will trigger emotions and feeling. Color conveys information, and as a silent form of communication, it gets our message across powerfully. The passionate, strong, warm red grabs attention and advances. The refreshing, quiet, calming green soothes the mind for concentration. The welcoming orange creates that cheering and energetic atmosphere. The mystical purple enhances that sensual but dignified message.

Ambiance lighting comes in many sizes, shapes and types, but LED lights have advantages other lighting solutions do not have. The "ikra" can remain switched on all night long without any risks: no overheating, extremely low consumption and beautiful color rendering.

It is natural to place rigorous demands on the lamps that illuminate our surroundings. The eye prefers even lighting with a minimum contrast between the brightness of the room surfaces and the lighting fixtures. The "ikra" table lamp gives your room a sophisticated mix of real hues and authentic warmth. The result is a feeling of stepping into a cozy past, but with the benefits of illumination from the future.

19 May 2008

For wellness centers and spas : diode and perfume

designed by Aliki Polydor
is pure innovation in wellness and spas.

click here for the video or check it out!

You'll like it! liki liki made it for you.

18 May 2008

liki liki LED lighting design | luce pulita e bianca 2007

Con le lampade "zaff", "kissimu 3", "napo", noi ci crediamo!

Crediamo nell'importanza della customizzazione. Solo progetti su misura o piutosto a misura d'uomo e i suoi sensi.

design Aliki Polydor copyright 2007
Sempre con light emitting diodes, i famosi LED! Pensiamo al futuro. A questa luce pulita, decorativa che sorge di queste fonte luminose. Ma sopratutto che permette di creare suggestivi effetti ed ambienti.

09 May 2008

"napo" LED table lamp | liki liki LED lighting design | Casamica june 2008

Designing and making "napo" has also been great pleasure after Kissimu 3. I am very proud of it.

The "napo" table lamp will be seen in Casamica June 2008. As my previously designed lamps, it incorporates as always, the latest diode technology and avant-garde materials and it is soon to be produced in series.
It should normally remind you of one of the major figures in the history of France who has always fascinated my imagination.

Aliki Polydor 2008

08 May 2008

lampada kissimu 3 in Casamica maggio 2008

La questione è questa: scrivere su di un lavoro femminile da parte di un uomo corrisponde a quella che gli antichi latini chiamavano personata uox, ovverosia significa parlare attraverso la persona, che nel mondo antico corrispondeva alla maschera, che l’attore tragico o comico si metteva sul viso per interpretare una parte. Nel qual caso la parte è quella femminile; insomma ogni uomo che parla di un “fare” femminile parla sempre derrière le rideau, dietro un palcoscenico di cartapesta, e alla fine si tratta di accettarne le convenzioni.
Contrasto –non equivoco- che appare soprattutto in un caso quale il design, che parrebbe per certe sue geometriche complessita', a torto, sempre roccaforte maschile.

Per la lampada che si chiama “kissimu 3 , bisognerebbe tener presente innanzi tutto che si tratta di un oggetto creato da una donna, e dunque chi ne scrive è una personata uox, e inoltre è anche un oggetto d’arredamento, geometrico e sostanzialmente asimmetrico realizzato in più versioni le quali sono tutte prodotte in serie.

La lampada "kissimu 3" in questione poi possiede diverse “declinazioni”, “kissimu 1”, “kissimu 2", etc. insomma esistono delle “varianti”. Queste varianti sono date dalle possibilità che ha l’oggetto in questione di trasformarsi, di mutare (come molti altri oggetti dell’atelier di Aliki) a seconda dell’umore del suo proprietario, o fruitore. Lo si può manipolare (tema ricorrente) anche da parte di chi lo acquista, anche dopo essere stato realizzato. Insomma, è un “come tu mi vuoi” questa lampada che funziona sempre, come le altre dell’atelier, con un sistema illuminativo di “diodi”.

Sulla qualità della luce di queste lampadine a basso consumo mi verrebbe da spendere due parole: infatti è una luce che, a differenza di quella fredda del neon, non altera (beninteso che ogni luce non solare esegue una propria alterazione) il colori di quel che circonda, e benché all’apparenza fredda, non è mai “glaciale”. E poi si alimenta di una corrente a basso voltaggio; espediente che permette di ridurre il dispendio energetico, e poi probabilmente crea nella mente di chi sa questo, la non sgradevole sensazione che la lampadina non possieda la capacità di “fulminare”.

Oltre la digressione, questo tipo di lampada, nella sua sostanziale “informità” strutturale, sembra essere, oltre la sua funzione di “illuminatrice”, anche un oggetto. Il che significa ribaltare la “funzione” (la luce) in favore del “funzionante” (l’impalcatura, ovverossia l' "oggetto di design", che riveste la semplice lampadina).

Ruben Garbellini

29 April 2008

liki liki LED lighting design since 2006 | LEDs lights for the future

environmentally friendly: Switching to low energy, solid state lighting benefits the environment. LEDs consume far less energy than today's standard light bulbs, leading to greatly reduced energy costs. LEDs also require far less energy to manufacture than other light sources, reducing their environmental impact even further.

economy: Despite their initial high price, the use of LED lighting can offer significant cost savings over time, not only in terms of reduced energy consumption, but maintenance as well.

long life: Even in hostile conditions, the typical working life of an LED can be several tens of thousands of hours; most domestic bulb filaments expire after just a couple of thousand hours and even compact fluorescent lamps come nowhere near the working life of LEDs. Also, LEDs don't suddenly burn out - they slowly fade over time - giving ample opportunity to plan replacements - several years with normal use and possibly even decades. Even at the end of its working life, a LED will still be giving some light.

strength and reliability: The filament in an incandescent bulb is very fragile, easily broken by a sudden shock or "soft" drop. Fluorescent tubes are made of thin glass. A LED is encased in virtually unbreakable high strength optical grade resin. There is no glass or filament to break, making LED light sources perfect for rugged or demanding environments, or installations where access is difficult.

improved safety and security: The low heat and low voltages associated with LEDs make them a far safer source of light. No glass to break, no white-hot filament, no flames and no noxious fumes.

design flexibility: The intrinsically safe nature of LEDs, combined with their long term reliability and small size, make LEDs a lighting tool of unprecedented versatility.

luminous efficacy: Light emissions from LEDs are inherently directional, reducing the need for reflectors and diffusers that can trap light, so using LEDs can potentially deliver light more efficiently to the intended location.
Fluorescent and incandescent lamps emit light in all directions. Much of the light produced by the lamp is lost within the fixture, reabsorbed by the lamp, or escapes from the fixture in a direction that is not useful for the intended application. It is not uncommon for 40-50% of the total light output of the lamp to be lost.

dimming: When used in applications where dimming is required, LEDs do not change their color tint as the current passing through them is lowered, unlike incandescent lamps, which turn yellow.

UV emissions/infrared: LEDs produce no UV radiation and their light beam contains little heat, making them ideal for illuminating objects, such as works of art.

16 April 2008

liki liki design | latest diode technology for aromatherapy

Even though we have already introduced our "patanjali" table/floor lamp within the context of the home and public spaces, we are getting more and more requests about its implementation in luxury wellness centers and spas.

The "patanjali" with its ergonomical design and avant-garde conception can remain switched on for 24 hours a day without overheating. The three containers for the essential oils warm up to the right temperature of 40 degrees ideal for the diffusion of the same or different perfumes! Not to mention its extremely minimal power consumption which is characteristic of high technology LED lighting. Imagine no risk of overheating, watching, forgetting...

Its magenta colour further emphasises its value as an equally aesthetic object of design. Enjoy its refinement! For the senses are all there!

23 March 2008

kissimu 3 table lamp | liki liki LED lighting design

I don't know whether I wanted the "kissimu 3" table lamp to set up a mood, but I could certainly not imagine it without a soul! A structure potentially leading each and everyone of us to some sort of a far-fetched dream.

The "kissimu 3" goes beyond the "stability" intrinsically associated with the concept of a table lamp!
In a way it rather symbolizes a "taking off", referring to life's constant permutation and non-permanency.

The "kissimu 3" is at its best in contexts where space is reduced to its bare architectural limitations.
It is meant to provide breathing space, imaginary space but also intimate space.

Aliki Polydor 2008

09 March 2008

Ballarini Interni verona

Quick tour of our recent exhibition at Ballarini Interni, Verona on 27 February 2008. Many thanks to them for this possibility, and to all of you that attended this pleasant evening.

26 February 2008

liki liki LED lighting design | la lampada e il filosofo

clicca qui per il video

…la lampada "patanjali" , cui accennavo, è una specie di corpo diffusore in polyethylene, che si ispira a un filosofo indiano, per taluni vissuto sei o sette secoli prima di Cristo, per altri addirittura diecimila anni prima, una sorta di grande padre del pensiero yoga. La lampada si compone di un parte luminosa in metacrilato e in grado di emettere, a contatto col calore luminoso, profumi. L’idea è interessante, soprattutto se si vuol creare una sorta di atmosfera che leghi quest’oggetto, così “moderno” nelle linee, con il pensatore mitico cui è dedicata. Si tratta insomma di una dedica, con un evidente rimando all’idea di “illuminazione”, che forse ci converrebbe tradurre come coscienza: dunque una lampada-pensiero, termine bizzarro che mi viene or ora per definirla senza definirla lampada tout court, perché solo lampada non è. Ecco un’altra volta una combinazione, una amalgama, una cosa che diviene anche un’altra cosa. Si tratta di accendere questo oggetto/diffusore che ha al suo interno delle lampadine del futuro che sono i diodi, a basso consumo in capace di dar luce per moltissimo tempo, e di svitare uno dei coperchietti che contengono le tre essenze profumate di cui si vogliono, o singolarmente o mescolandoli, “ascoltare” gli odori per il "chez moi".

Ruben Garbellini

12 February 2008

liki liki LED lighting design studio | diodi e incipit

Aliki non rifiuta affatto questi ultimi cinquant’anni di ritrovati tecnologici. Pare quest’ultimo un discorso scontato ma così non è, perché per millenni si sono utilizzati legno, pietra, metallo al più e nei più fortuiti casi. Materiali quali le resine sintetiche, il plexiglas, l’alluminio, il silicone, la vetroresina, le plastiche, ormai talmente inglobate nella nostra vita da non essere più riconoscibili come parte “altra”, non sono affatto parte della nostra storia se non da meno di mezzo secolo. Per cui, considerare l’inevitabile amalgama (un’altra mutazione) che designers, architetti e artisti hanno saputo creare o dovuto subire non è affatto poca cosa. Tanto più che la velocità di frana che ha assunto la moderna “esistenza”, pure nei suoi differenti o quotidiani aspetti, non permette più antiche, pur tuttavia amatissime, disquisizioni sul bello e sulle sue categorie. China pericolosa, questa, che può allungarsi per non più ritornare.

Queste brevi note accennano perciò all’idea di “amalgama”, di quasi contaminazione, che sottende alcuni oggetti a circuiti stampati, diodi dello studio/laboratorio di Aliki Polydor. L’idea stessa di mutazione è presente in un luogo fisico, stesso laboratorio /studio, dove tanto si realizzano manualmente delle “cose”, tanto le si sottopone al giudizio e all’eventuale scelta del pubblico. Si tratta di un piccola catena produttiva che non viene spezzata, ma costituisce una quotidianità artigianale: un altro amalgama tra le materie tecnologiche più “nuove”come l'implementazione della tecnologia a LED e la concezione manuale dell’assemblaggio.Si chiama la "customizazione".

Ragionamento quest’ultimo che fa rimbalzare il pensiero verso il secondo polo, o aspetto, generatore degli “oggetti”(non definibili in altro modo, siano essi funzionali o più decorativi) di Aliki: il mondo della filosofia. Una cultura filosofica, nel caso di Aliki Polydor, anch’essa “mescolata”, che da un fulcro di τεκνή occidentale continua a rivolgersi verso la melancolia della dimensione metafisica dell’Oriente, sentita quasi come una meta necessaria da raggiungere. Nasce da questo la lampada-profumiera dedicata al leggendario filosofo indiano Patanjali?

2 febbraio 2008
Ruben Garbellini

31 January 2008

Organic light emitting diodes? the future?

...designing light means taking into account all the senses not just the visual...

Trends in lighting technology will probably involve further and considerable implication of design in studying and planning our environments.

Today space implies moods, and therefore "lighting" should remain central without imposing itself. If used wrongly and without adequate harmonization of elements, it can actually create opposite effects. This applies to both public and private space. A building which is heavily lit in a public area might provoke a sense of "anomy" or unwanted excitement. A home with inappropriate lighting might not offer the right soothing atmosphere longed for by its owners.

Light has strong repercussions on mood. We are talking about the five senses : all the senses interact to create a mood.

Designing "light" means taking into account "all the senses"- not just the visual - and obviously relying on technology and its progress. When designing light today we should look for authenticity and bear in mind the diversity and multiplicity in human expression. With light's "play" we are able to construct an environment which will cater for many moods and different situations. A lighting system can thus be contextualized depending on the commissioner's preferences, personality, goals and moods.

We are delving into a new language with the help of "light". Each lighting allows to express our "inner self" and its many identities.
Light and ambiance designers are here for that. Trust them.


OLED- organic light emitting diodes-the lighting of the future?

liki liki design

Si apre la porta, si entra nel showroom-laboratorio well off di liki liki design. Il rumore e il traffico restano alle spalle, si resta catturati di una sensazione ovattata, i colori vivi e caldi ti avvolgono nella luce soffusa. Sono gli oggetti luminosi, piccoli e grandi, capaci anche di diffondere profumi, di emanare senti di spezie o essenze di fiori (diffusore luminoso ad alta tecnologia chiamato patanjali).
Luci e oggetti d'arredo o forse sculture luminose, in grado di cambiare la percezione di uno spazio, di un luogo. Forse anche di influire sul l'umore...

Camilla Bertoni, Verona 31 gennaio 2008

30 January 2008

liki liki design | olfactory design | "patanjali"| light and aromatherapy Ecohitech Award

moods and scents?

A scent reflects a mood and a mood prescribes a scent.
Should people stick to the same particular scent and always use it for a specific mood?
Everything is perception – olfactory components which are often ignored contribute to finding our way in an environment or a given architecture.
In our society, the senses are perceived in a dissociated form: often, the olfactory is separated from the visual; but isn't it more gratifying when these senses operate all together, in a subtle alchemy?
Try thinking about it.
It is looking intensely into the hidden quality of things…such as the LED technology that helps provide quality, precision and functionality.

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Not simply skimming superficially through the subject of LED lighting.

Not just designing light but explaining it.

Rare these days !

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