liki liki LED lighting design | show you have flair | Aliki Polydor

liki liki LED lighting design | show you have flair | Aliki Polydor
liki liki design | close to natural light

07 January 2013

liki liki design | "patanjali" at home | contract wellness | Award Ecohitech 2010

There is still time to celebrate, even after the holidays...
Que la fete continue...

"patanjali"copyright 2007 designed by Aliki Polydor, liki liki LED lighting design, is there to illuminate and embalm our homes and wellness zone, or maybe even our hammam. 

"patanjali"copyright 2007, winner Award Ecohitech LED lighting 2010, Green Building, is a sustainable bespoke floor lamp, perfectly suited in most environments, whether at home or in a wellness context. This luminaire with an optimized high-power LED technology provides "real daylight" midday luminosity at 6500°Kelvin while featuring a scent diffuser consisting of three aluminum containers which offer the choice of three different essences.

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