liki liki LED lighting design | show you have flair | Aliki Polydor

liki liki LED lighting design | show you have flair | Aliki Polydor
liki liki design | close to natural light

30 January 2008

liki liki design | olfactory design | "patanjali"| light and aromatherapy Ecohitech Award

moods and scents?

A scent reflects a mood and a mood prescribes a scent.
Should people stick to the same particular scent and always use it for a specific mood?
Everything is perception – olfactory components which are often ignored contribute to finding our way in an environment or a given architecture.
In our society, the senses are perceived in a dissociated form: often, the olfactory is separated from the visual; but isn't it more gratifying when these senses operate all together, in a subtle alchemy?
Try thinking about it.
It is looking intensely into the hidden quality of things…such as the LED technology that helps provide quality, precision and functionality.

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