liki liki LED lighting design | show you have flair | Aliki Polydor

liki liki LED lighting design | show you have flair | Aliki Polydor
liki liki design | close to natural light

02 April 2010

liki liki LED lighting design | getting closer to real daylight | Aliki Polydor

Once you introduce LED lighting in an environment and accidentally forget your halogen lights switched on, you realize how much of an alteration is brought to your ambiance, whether public, professional or private. All that with damaging impact on the individuals moods.
Experience proves it to me every day that in the very near future, the real connoisseurs will no longer tolerate and thrive in ambiances with lights that distort colours in their immediate surroundings.
More and more, avoiding the "yellowing effect" of halogen lights and their damaging colour rendering, will be a prerequisite for any authentic management of space.

Light Emitting Diodes show "true colours" and are not to be mixed with halogen or other incandescent lights of any sort.

If you care for your interiors, trust me, don't mix the two types of lighting and even better, eliminate halogen lights radically! Aliki Polydor 2009

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